To redefine how colleges and universities connect with the world—through bold, visionary storytelling.
TV Commercials
We specialize in producing high-impact TV commercials that elevate your institution’s story to a broader audience. Even if your team handles day-to-day video production, TV commercials require a bigger vision, expert storytelling, and a polished execution that only seasoned professionals can deliver.
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Because higher education deserves higher quality.
A small team from
the big leagues.
Our team has worked with Fortune 100/500 companies on projects spanning Europe, Asia, North America, and 40+ states here in the United States. Let us bring that expertise and level of quality to your next project.
Everything you need.
Nothing you don't.
Here, all your investment goes into production, not the free coffee in our office break room. No frills, just killer quality—your money works harder here.
Recognition is nice.
Results are nicer.
Our videos don't just add new hardware to your trophy case; they deliver measurable increases in your institution's visibility, engagement, and recruitment.
Moraine Valley Community College — 2024
The ask: Elevate its visuals with a TV commercial that highlighted its diverse range of programs in a bold and cinematic way. To maximize investment, repurpose content to provide additional video deliverables.
The results: The deliverables included a 30-second commercial, two alternate edits to maximize engagement, and two program-specific hero videos. The videos were honored by the NCMPR with multiple Paragon Awards, recognizing them as the best community college videos in the country for 2024. Additional honors include a Platinum dotCOMM award and Gold Telly Award.
- Gold Medallion - Video Short - National Council for Marketing & Public Relations (NCMPR)
- Gold Paragon - Video Short | National Council for Marketing & Public Relations (NCMPR)
- Gold Paragon - TV Commercial | National Council for Marketing and Public Relations (NCMPR)
- Platinum Award - dotCOMM Awards